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Our Handtied Bouquet - Florist Choice is the perfect gift for any occasion. Each bouquet is beautifully crafted by our expert florists and hand wrapped in luxurious gift paper. Delivered in a bubble of water to ensure freshness, this bouquet is ideal for those special birthday celebrations. Our best seller, this bouquet is the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care. Let our florists choose the perfect combination of flowers for you, making your gift even more unique and personal.

Handtied Bouquet - Florist Choice

  • From £25

    Personally delivered with a smile

    Instructions: Allow only up to 2 days, if you wish to keep your bouquet in the bubble of water. After the 2 days, carefully drain out any excess water from the bubble and cut each flower stem at a sharp (45 degree angle). Fill your vase halfway with water, add flower food (if provided) and place your flowers into the vase. 

    Keep away from any direct heat/sunlight

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